
Personal Information

Basic info, like your name and address, that you use on LoadNG Platform.

Update Account
Full Name {{userdata[0].fullname}}
User Name {{userdata[0].username}}
Email {{userdata[0].email}}
Phone Number {{userdata[0].phoneno}}
Main Account Name {{userdata[0].mainaccname}}
Main Account Bank Name {{userdata[0].mainaccbankname}}
Main Account Number {{userdata[0].mainaccno}}
Set Account
My Banks
  • Remove
You have not added any account yet, please add
No transactions yet
Browser / IP IP Time  
{{useract.browser}} {{useract.ipaddress}} {{useract.date}}
Save my Activity Logs

You can save your all activity logs including unusual activity detected.

Change Password

Set a unique password to protect your account.

Change Pin   disabled Enabled

Set a unique pin to protect your account. On activate please change pin

  • Last changed: Long ago
Login Biometric   disabled Enabled

Mobile app login biometric

2 Factor Auth   disabled

Secure your account with 2FA security. When it is activated you will need to enter not only your password, but also a special code we would send to the number you used to register on this platform.

Set Account
{{transdata.systemname}} Account
Account Name {{transdata.accname}}
Account Bank Name {{transdata.bankname}}
Account Number {{transdata.bankaccno}}